Outshine your Competitors by Increasing your Customer-Centricity

Boost Sales Conversions
Integrating with your sales data, you can garner insights from various KPI figures
such as sales conversion rate, and reveal the relationships among sales, merchandising and store traffic etc.

Capture Customer Engagement
The higher the engagement, the higher likelihood you can close a deal! With our engagement metrics, you can tell whether your customers are engaged and for how long. You can also identify the most and least popular product.

Evaluate and Revise Marketing ROI
It is vital to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Our age and gender
data help you review if your marketing strategies successfully apply to your target audience.
Understand the Peak Days and Hours
Knowing the number of people who pass by
and get into your store equips you with a better understanding of your peak seasons and rush hours, helping you to formulate the best sales strategies throughout 360 days.

Read our customer success stories to see how Cyclops can generate unprecedented insights

Central Market
A 12,000 square metres of
cultural and retail facilities in Hong Kong

Yuzu Group
A Thailand-based restaurant group that
operates seven food and beverage outlets

Minimize checkout Queue Time
Queue time management provides actionabble insights on your queuing system. It helps you identify over-crowded locations, enhance customer experience and reduce churn rate.
Optimize Staff Operation
Utilize passer-by and footfall
data to infer your customers' shopping behaviour, and manage human resources
better to avoid over or understaffing.