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Nov 27, 20204 min read
5 reasons Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Need Digital Transformation
While many retailers are struggling nowadays, others are thriving despite all the pressures. What is their secret? How do some retailers...

Nov 20, 20202 min read
How Cyclops Can Help Retailers Gain Actionable Insights Into Their Stores
Challenge A supermarket offering wide ranges of food products for home cooking wanted to learn about the people traffic and correlate the...

Oct 29, 20203 min read
Does Real-Time Monitoring help Retailers?
The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed extra challenges to many retailers. As numerous shops will remain closed for the foreseeable future, it...

Oct 20, 20204 min read
Putting detail into retail
An AI system records shoppers’ movements and actions to improve the efficiency of outlets’ design. Retailers designing selling spaces...

Oct 5, 20201 min read
創科導航 | TVB X HKSTP X Dayta AI
Dayta AI is glad to be featured in 創科導航 again! This time, our CEO Patrick Tu, along with 香港科技園's CEO Albert Wong, talked about the...

Oct 5, 20203 min read
疫情下逛街消失 購物變得目標為本 AI分析店舖「進店率」竟急升
新型肺炎疫情持續影響本港,打擊各行各業,政府推出第三輪防疫抗疫基金,涉及金額達240億元,主要用於採購疫苗、支援醫管局應對下一波疫情等,並動用45億元支援20多個受疫情重創的行業,但未包括涵蓋範圍甚廣、早前已獲300億元資助的零售業。 ...

Oct 5, 20203 min read
How Retailers Can Reduce Queues and Increase Sales
The success of any business depends on how efficiently it can cater to its customers’ needs and provide them with goods and services....

Oct 5, 20202 min read
How to Increase Your Store’s Conversion Rate
In-store retail analytics are giving retailers more crucial insight into what is happening in their stores. Without these key...

Oct 5, 20202 min read
Why Retailers Should Consider Cloud Computing for AI Adoption
To thrive in today’s retail climate, retailers are realizing the need to leverage the power of data and technology. Retailers produce...

Oct 5, 20203 min read
How Artificial Intelligence is Affecting Different Retail Functions
When glancing at the retail industry’s most recent digital transformation, it can be easy to overlook the challenges digital retail...

Oct 5, 20203 min read
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Brick-and-Mortar Stores
Brick-and-mortar sales are not fading anytime soon. It is projected that 83% of goods purchased globally in 2022 will still be bought...

Oct 5, 20202 min read
Experiential Retail is How Brick-and-Mortar Stores Can Survive Post COVID-19
When it comes to bricks and mortar retail, the COVID-19 pandemic is going to be one of those moments that forces retailers to completely...

Oct 5, 20204 min read
How Retailers Can Prepare for a Rebound Amid COVID-19
The disruption caused by COVID-19 comes at a time of intense change for the retail industry. Retail stores worldwide are facing closures...

Oct 5, 20203 min read
How COVID-19 Has Changed Customer’s Shopping Behavior
The COVID-19 global pandemic is having a profound impact on consumers’ lives. As stay-at-home orders and country-wide lockdowns start to...

Oct 5, 20203 min read
Why Pop-Up Stores are Gaining Popularity in the Retail Landscape
Nowadays, retail is not just about the high street and shopping malls. Leading retailers are coming up with new ways to sell their...

Sep 28, 20202 min read
How COVID-19 Has Accelerated Digital Transformation of Retail Stores
As the entire world is scrambling to come back to normalcy after the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines are relaxed, brick-and-mortar...

Sep 28, 20204 min read
3 Practical Ways to Increase Store Walk-in Rate
Alex Tai | SOPA Images | LightRocket | Getty Images Want to understand the implications of your data to formulate effective strategies?...

Sep 28, 20202 min read
What’s the Difference Between Facial Recognition and Facial Detection?
With the development of computer vision technology that analyzes images containing faces, there have been many questions about the...

Sep 28, 20203 min read
Why is Customer Experience so Important to Businesses?
Westfield World Trade Center, Manhattan, USA People nowadays often toss around the term “customer experience,” and some companies have...

Sep 28, 20204 min read
How Millennials and Post-Millennials are Shaping the Retail Industry
Luxury brands have been known to adhere to traditional retail strategies: simply displaying their products in company-owned shops or...
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